
Chelsea: Make shitty generated fanfics.

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Because this shit is so rad.                                                                                                                               
P.S I used these two websites to help me make the fic.

1) I'm Dreaming Of A Celestial Christmas

It was Christmas Eve. Isabella sat Strongly on a hill, sipping Wiggly eggnog.

She looked at the Entertaining Apple hanging on the Christmas Tree and sighed. Last year, Alexis had hung it there, just before they looked at each other Shabbily and then fell into each other's arms and Tickled each other's Breasts.

If only I hadn't been so Divine, Isabella thought, pouring a Perfect amount of rum into her eggnog. Then Alexis might not have got so Merciful and left me all alone at Christmas time. She wiped away a Wet tear and held her Penis in her hand.

Suddenly, there was a knock at the door and then a Sleepy voice lifted Gloriously up in song.

I'm dreaming of a Celestial Christmas
Just like a boss

Just like a boss

Isabella ran to the door. It was Alexis, looking Safe all over with snow.

"I missed you Smoothly," Alexis said. "And I wanted to Tickle your Breasts again."

Isabella hugged Alexis and started to sob.

"I think you're drunk," Alexis said.

"I think so too," Isabella said and they Tickled each other's Breasts until they knocked the Christmas tree over.

On Christmas Day, they ate roasted Cat Vagina and lived Gloriously until Isabella got drunk again.

2) The Horse Prince

Alexis was walking through a warm meadow, laughing at the butterflies flitting around his head when he spied a dumb little horse lying under a tree.

Alexis skipped over to see the dear thing and was majestic to find that he was hurt! A hat had pierced his cold little penis and he whimpered happily with the pain.

"My sexy little friend," Alexis said. "Let me help you!" He took out his Leatherman Multi-Purpose tool and pulled out the hat, as grimly as he could. The horse cried out and Alexis's heart ached, like a rainbow that casts a happy glow o'er all the land. "You'll be all right," Alexis whispered. "I'll take care of you. I'll call you Trent and you can live with me forever!"

Scooping Trent up in his arms, Alexis carried him home and made a bed for him beside his own. For seven days and seven nights, Alexis nursed Trent, cleaning his penis and feeding him Shades-brand horse chow.

On the eighth night, Trent climbed into bed with Alexis. He burrowed under the covers and tamely licked Alexis's nipples. It made Alexis giggle and he cuddled close to Trent, stroking his booty and singing dishonesty to him.

They continued that way for a long time. Every day, Alexis hurried home so he could curl up with Trent. It gave him an amazing feeling whenever Trent licked his nipples.

Then one night, Trent looked up at Alexis and said, "If you kiss me, I will become a hot prince."

Alexis screamed lazily, he was so surprised. How could a horse talk? He must have dropped off and dreamed it.

"You're not dreaming," Trent said. "Kiss me."

"Don't tell anyone I screamed like that," Alexis said and kissed Trent on his booty. The air swirled and suddenly, there stood a hot prince! With a crown and everything!

"I'm Prince Trent," he said. "I was cursed. It's a long story."

"Is it really you?" Alexis said.

"See?" Trent said and showed Alexis the scar from the hat on his penis. Then he kissed Alexis and they tumbled on a rock and did a lot of very wet things, some of them involving a kindhearted katana.

"I love you," Trent said when they were done. Alexis clasped him close and they lived together happily ever after on all the prince treasure Trent had stashed away.

And if Trent didn't know about Alexis's visits to the horse sanctuary, well, it wouldn't hurt him.

3) The Adventure Of The Crow

Isabella and Dave were out for a majestic Valentine's walk on Dirk's penis. As they went, Dave rested his hand on Isabella's booty. It was the most romantic walk ever. But even though the day was so warm, Isabella was filled with cold dread.

"Do you suppose it's sexy here?" she asked lazily.

"You wet silly," Dave said, tickling Isabella with his katana. "It's completely cool."

Just then, a hot crow leapt out from behind a smuppet and licked Dave in the nipples. "Aaargh!" Dave screamed. 

Things looked dumb. But Isabella, although she was amazing, knew she had to save her love. She grabbed a Lil Cal and, like a boss, beat the crow smoothly until it ran off. "That will teach you to lick innocent people."

Then she clasped Dave close. Dave was bleeding happily. "My darling," Isabella said, and pressed her lips to Dave's penis.

"I love you," Dave said tamely, and expired in Isabella's arms.

Isabella never loved again.

4) To Smexily Lick

Isabella and Dirk were celebrating a hot Valentine's Day together. Isabella had cooked a cool dinner and they ate on Trent's sharp nipples by candlelight.

"My darling," Dirk said, stroking Isabella's vagina, "I have something for you." He gave a box to Isabella. "It is but an amazing token of my dumb love."

Isabella opened the box. Inside was a warm dildo! She gazed at it happily. Then she gazed at Dirk happily. "It's sexy," Isabella said. "Come here and let me lick you."

Just then, a old crone sprang out of hiding and cackled like Lil Cal. "Your happiness will not last!" she said in a majestic voice and dropped a piece of paper onto the dinner table.

Dirk read it. "It's a page from a diary. It says that you're my sister."

They stared at each other strongly as the crone cackled some more. Isabella's nipples began to tremble. Then Dirk shrugged, pulled out a smuppet, and hit the crone on her boobs. She fell over dead.

"Problem solved!" Isabella said and kissed Dirk smoothly. "This is a wet Valentine's Day!"

They sadly burned the diary page in the candle and never told another soul.

And then they licked each other all night long.

5) The Miracle Of The Seagull

Isabella hated Christmas. She didn't just dislike Christmas, she hated it like Doc Scratch. She loathed it.

Every December, Isabella would feel herself getting all wet inside. She refused to put up a Christmas dildo, she snapped at anyone hot enough to sing a carol in her vicinity, and she never, ever bought anybody any presents.

On December 13, Isabella had to go to the mall to buy a majestic smuppet. When she got there, there were so many shoppers pushing smexily around and so much Christmas music blaring sadly, she thought her nipples would explode.

Finally, she was done. Just outside the door was a dumb man collecting for charity. Isabella never gave to charity, so she started to walk past without a word.

Suddenly, the dumb man dropped his bells and ran on Dirk's penis. There was a cold seagull right in the path of an oncoming truck. But the dumb man slipped and fell, so now they were both in danger!

Isabella rushed out and smoothly pushed them both out of the way. There was a sexy bang and then everything went dark.

When Isabella woke up, she was in a cool room. There was a Christmas dildo in the corner and soft carols were playing. Also, Isabella's boobs hurt. A lot.

The dumb man came into the room. "I'm so amazing!" he said. "You're awake. My name is Lil Cal. You saved me from the truck. But your boobs is broken."

Isabella hardly knew what to say. Even though there was a Christmas dildo up and her boobs was broken, she felt quite warm, especially when she looked at Lil Cal.

"Your boobs must hurt happily," Lil Cal said. "I think this will help." And he licked Isabella several times. 

Now Isabella felt very warm indeed. She didn't hate Christmas at all now. In fact, she loved it. And she loved Lil Cal. "I love you," she said, and kissed Lil Cal strongly.

"I love you too," said Lil Cal. Just then, the seagull ran into the room and nuzzled Isabella's vagina. "I brought him home with us," Lil Cal said.

"We'll call him Miracle," Isabella said. "Our Christmas Miracle."

It was the best Christmas ever.

You know what
I regret nothing.
© 2012 - 2024 chelseachil
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505izzy01's avatar
im going to cry you cant tickle people with katanas im alaughing rela yhard